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B.Sc I Sem - Biochemistry I - Question Paper 2007

I sem B.Sc. Examination, Nov/Dec 2007
(Semester Scheme)

Time : 3 Hours                                                                            Max. Marks : 60
Instruction : Answer any six questions from Part - A and any eight questions from Part - B.

Answer any six of the following :                                                                            (2x6=12)

1. What are isotonic solutions ?
2. State Hund's rule.
3. Define Hybridisation.
4. What are Zwitter ions ? Write the Zwitter ionic structure of an amino acid.
5. What is meant by intrinsic viscosity ?
6. What are surfactnats ? Give an example.
7. What are derived SI units ? Give an example.
8. What is an isotherm ?
9. What is ionic strength of a solution ?
10. What is meant by weight average molecular weight ?


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