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IV Sem B.A/B.Sc/B.Com - General English - Question Paper 2010

IV Semester B.A/B.Sc/B.Com. Examinatino, January 2010
(New Scheme)
General English
Time: 3 Hours                                                                       Max. Marks: 90

Instructions : 1) Answer both Sectiona A and B.
                      2) Mark the question numbers correctly.


I. Answer any four of the following in a paragraph each. (4x5=20)

1) Describe briefly the feelings of Hughie Erskine when he learnt that the model was actually Baren Housberg.
2) What are the reasons given by Brutus for assassination Caesar ?
3) What did Jacopo and Nicola durint the war ?
4) Give a brief account of the feeling of a woman conveyed in Sylva Plath's peom 'Mirror'.
5) Why does Amitav Ghosh say that the Tsunami was selective in its destruction ?
6) How can one overcome fear according to Russell ?
7) What are the common causes of death according to Channa in the poem 'Siddhartha' ?

II. Answer any three in a page and a half each (3x10=3)

1. What Who do you think was a better judge of the people - Brutus or Antony ? Give your reasons.
2. Give a brief account of the 'Affiction'' of Margaret.
3. What is the outcome of Hughie's generosity ?
4. Wrtie a brief note on Siddhartha's first encounter with the miseries of life.
5. What are Amitav Ghosh's refelections on the Director's personal tragedy ?


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