VI Semester Examination, April/May 2012
(Semester Scheme)
Paper - 6.1 : Business Law
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90
Instruction: Answers Should be written completely in English or Kannada.
Answer any 10 sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 2 marks. (10x2=20)
1. a) Give the meaning of Contract.
b) What do you mean by Consideration ?
b) What do you mean by Consideration ?
c) What is meant by legality of object ?
d) What is Right-in-personam ?
d) What is Right-in-personam ?
e) Give the meaning of executory contract.
f) What is meant by Free Consent ?
g) What do you mean by Intellectual property ?
h) Mention 4 types of cyber crimes.
i) What are hazardous substance ?
j) What is FEMA ?
k) What is Consumer dispute ?
Answer any 5 of the following questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (5x5=25)
2. "All agreements are not contracts but all contracts are agreements". Explain.
3. Briefly explain the various sources of Business law.
3. Briefly explain the various sources of Business law.
4. What are the legal rules governing consideration ?
5. What are the different ways of discharging contract ?
6. What are anti - competitive agreements ? State any three anti-competitive agreements.
7. Explain briefly the rights of a consumer under the Consumer Protection Act.
8. Write short note on :
a) Environment
b) Environmental Pollution
9. Explain briefly the intellectual property rights.
Answer any 3 of the following questions. Each question carries 15 marks. (3x15=45)
10. Define Contract. Explain the essentials of a valid contract.
11. Explain the various agreements opposed to Public Policy.
12. What are the general powers of Central Government under the Environment Protection Act 1986 ? Explain.
13. Explain the consumer Redressal Agencies.
14. What is breach of contract ? Explain remedies for breach of contract.
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