VI Semester Examination, April/May 2012
(Semester Scheme)
COMMERCE (Elective Paper - 4 (f))
Object Oriented Programming in 'C++'
(Semester Scheme)
COMMERCE (Elective Paper - 4 (f))
Object Oriented Programming in 'C++'
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90
Instruction: 1) Answers Should be written completely only in English.
2) Answer all the Sections.
Answer any 10 sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 2 marks. (10x2=20)
1. a) What is an object ?
b) What is a base class ?
b) What is a base class ?
c) Mention the access specifiers in C++.
d) What is an identifier ?
d) What is an identifier ?
e) What is a structure ?
f) What is a function ?
g) Define hybrid inheritance.
h) What are inline functions ?
i) What is polymorphism ?
j) State difference between Union and Structure.
k) What is Header file ?
l) How pointers to void are defined in C++ ?
Answer any 5 of the following questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (5x5=25)
2. What are objects ? How are they created in C++ ?
3. Give general syntax of a class declaration.
3. Give general syntax of a class declaration.
4. State the difference between do-while and while loop.
5. What are Constructors and Destructors?
6. Explain briefly data abstraction and data encapsulation.
7. State any five features of pointers.
8. What is a friends function ? Explain.
9. What is polymorphism ? Explain with one example.
Answer any 3 of the following questions. Each question carries 15 marks. (3x15=45)
10. What is OOP ? Briefly explain the features and benifits of OOP.
11. Explain with example
a) Operator overloading
b) Function overloading
a) Operator overloading
b) Function overloading
12. a) Give the syntax of switch statement in C++.
b) Write a program illustrating the usage of inline function.
b) Write a program illustrating the usage of inline function.
13. Write short notes on :
a) Pointers
a) Structures
a) Functions.
a) Pointers
a) Structures
a) Functions.
14. a) What is array ? How are array elements accessed ? Explain.
b) Write any five special characteristics of constructors.
b) Write any five special characteristics of constructors.
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