I sem B.Sc. Examination, Nov/Dec 2007
(Semester Scheme)
GENETICS (Paper - I)
Microscopy, Cell Biology and Model Organism
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Instruction : 1) Draw diagram wherever necessary.
2) Answer should be written completely either in English or Kannada.
Answer any five of the following : (5x3=15)
1. Mention the principles involved in fluorescent microbioscopy.
2. Mention any three morphological differences between Anopheles and Culex mosquito.
3. Decribe sex factors in E.Coli.
4. What is passive transport ? Mention the types.
5. Write a brief note on Microvilli.
6. Describe the Diplotene stage in meiosis.
7. Write a brief note on nucleolus.
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