I Sem B.com Examination, Nov/Dec 2011
(Semester Scheme) (2011-12 Batch and Onwards)
Company Law and Secretarial Practice
Time : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 90
1. Answer any 10 sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 2 marks (10x2=20)
a) What are the different kinds of company ?
b) Who is ‘Pro-tem Secretary’ ?
c) Who are the promoters of Company ?
d) What is certificate of incorporation ?
e) What is statutory report ?
f) What is Reserve Capital ?
g) Who is a company secretary ?
h) What do you mean by statement in lieu of prospectus ?
i) What is meeting ?
j) What is Quoram ?
k) Who is a Director of a Company ?
l) What is a share warrant ?
I hope this will help you Sandhya..