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V Sem BCA - Computer Architecture - Question Paper 2010

V Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, November/December 2010
(Y2K8 Scheme)
BCA 502 : Computer Architecture

Time: 3 Hours  Max. Marks:9O


1. Answer any ten sub-questions. Each sub question carries two marks. (10x2=20)

1) Write the boolean expressions and truth tables of AND gate and OR gate.
2) Explain Half-Adder. 
3) Explain ROM.
4) Define g's complement with example.
5) Convert binary number 111001 to octal and Decimal number.
6) What is indirect Addressing mode? Give example'
7) What is memory reference instruction?Give example.
8) Discuss CIL instruction.
9) What is state table ?
10) What are the types of interrupts ?
11) Convert (38)10 into 2421and Excess - 3 gray code.
12) Discuss auxiliary memory'


Answer any five of the following questions. Each question carries five marks. (5x5=25)

13) Discuss abour SR Flip-Flop.
14) What is a Multiplexer ? Give diagram for a 4-to- l -line multiplexer.
15) Explain the procedure for subtraction of unsigned numbers using 2's complement.
16) Explain instruction cycle.
17) Explain the 'Two-Address instructions'.
18) What is the instruction set of RISC ?
19) Differentiate between Isolated I/o and memory mapped I/o.
20) Explain virtual memory.


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