V semester B.Com examination, December 2007
(Semester scheme) (New)
COMMERCE (Paper-5.3)
Entrepreneurship Development Programme
[Time : 3 Hrs] [Max. Marks:90]
1. Answer any ten sub-questions. Each sub question carries 2 marks (10x2=20)
a) Define the term "entrepreneur".
b) What is innovation?
c) What is a "Tiny industry"?
d) Define sole trading concern.
e) What is a project?
f) What are subsidies?
g) What is seed capital?
h) What is a business plan?
i) Expand: a)KSIIDC b) IFCI
j) What do you mean by Industrial Estate?
k) What do you mean by sick industrial unit?
l) What is a trade mark?
Answer any five of the following. Each question carries 5 marks. (5x5=25)
2. Explain the functions of an entrepreneur.
3. What are the barriers to entrepreneurship?
4. Discuss the merits of small scale industries.
5. Explain the product range in small scale industries.
6. Explain the stages of project planning.
7. How do you choose the site for location of a small business?
8. What are the financial aspects of the business plan?
9. Write a note on different financial institutions connected with small scale industry.
(Semester scheme) (New)
COMMERCE (Paper-5.3)
Entrepreneurship Development Programme
[Time : 3 Hrs] [Max. Marks:90]
1. Answer any ten sub-questions. Each sub question carries 2 marks (10x2=20)
a) Define the term "entrepreneur".
b) What is innovation?
c) What is a "Tiny industry"?
d) Define sole trading concern.
e) What is a project?
f) What are subsidies?
g) What is seed capital?
h) What is a business plan?
i) Expand: a)KSIIDC b) IFCI
j) What do you mean by Industrial Estate?
k) What do you mean by sick industrial unit?
l) What is a trade mark?
Answer any five of the following. Each question carries 5 marks. (5x5=25)
2. Explain the functions of an entrepreneur.
3. What are the barriers to entrepreneurship?
4. Discuss the merits of small scale industries.
5. Explain the product range in small scale industries.
6. Explain the stages of project planning.
7. How do you choose the site for location of a small business?
8. What are the financial aspects of the business plan?
9. Write a note on different financial institutions connected with small scale industry.
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