V Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, November/December 2011
(Y2K7 Scheme)
BCA 502 : Internet Programming
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks:8O
Instruction: Answer all the sections.
Answer any eight question. Each question carries three marks. (8x3=24)
Answer any four question. Each question carries fourteen marks. (4x14=56)
(Y2K7 Scheme)
BCA 502 : Internet Programming
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks:8O
Instruction: Answer all the sections.
Answer any eight question. Each question carries three marks. (8x3=24)
1. What are main features of Java programming language ?
2. List any three differences between and applications.
3. What is data abstraction ?
4. What are threads ? How they differ from process ?
5. Differentiate Do Loop and While Loop.
6. Explain 'Super' keyword with an example.
7. What is the use of finalize () method ?
8. What is an interface ? How does it differ from an abstract class ?
9. What is constructor overloading ?
10. Explain any three string methods in Java with examples.
Answer any four question. Each question carries fourteen marks. (4x14=56)
11) a) Explain exception Handling in Java. What is the use of finally block ?
b) Write a note on streams.
c) What are command line argument ?
c) What are command line argument ?
12) a) Write a Java program to produce output using For loop
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b) Write note on jump statements.
c) Explain concept of encapsulation in Java. Write a note on data hiding.
c) Explain concept of encapsulation in Java. Write a note on data hiding.
13) a) Illustrate method overloading with an example.
b) Write a short note on static variables and static methods.
c) What is an abstract class ? How it is useful on Java ?
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