I sem B.Sc. Examination, Oct/November 2010
(Semester Scheme) (O.S.)
Electronics Fundamentals
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Instruction : Answer any five questions from Part-A, four questions from Part-B and any five questions from Part-C.
Answer any five of the following : (5x6=30)
1. a) Explain the construction and working of a carbon composition resistor.
b) Derive an expression for the energy stored in an inductor.
2. a) With a diagram explain the work of dA'rsonval movement.
b) Define an ideal voltage source. When does the practical voltage source behave like stiff voltage source?
3. a) State and explain voltage divider and current divider theorem.
b) With a suitable resetive network, explain the steps involved in the analysis of a DE circuit using note voltage method.
4. a) Define the terms, rms value and peak value of an alternating voltage.
b) An alternating voltage is applied to a circuit having a capacitor C and a resistor R in series. Derive an expression for impedance and current in the circuit.
5. Derive an expression for the impedance of a series R.T.C circuit using phase or diagram. Draw and explain the impedance curve. What is the condition for the circuit to be at resonance? Derive an expression for resonant frequency.
6) State and explain:
a) Super position theorem
b) Reciprocity theorem
7) a) State and explain Kirchoff's Current Law.
b) State and prove maximum power transfer theorem for an ac network.
8) a) Distinguish between Intrinsic semiconductor and Extrinsic semiconductor.
b) Discuss the three approximations of a Pn junction diode with relevant equivalent circuit and V-I characteristics.
(Semester Scheme) (O.S.)
Electronics Fundamentals
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Instruction : Answer any five questions from Part-A, four questions from Part-B and any five questions from Part-C.
Answer any five of the following : (5x6=30)
1. a) Explain the construction and working of a carbon composition resistor.
b) Derive an expression for the energy stored in an inductor.
2. a) With a diagram explain the work of dA'rsonval movement.
b) Define an ideal voltage source. When does the practical voltage source behave like stiff voltage source?
3. a) State and explain voltage divider and current divider theorem.
b) With a suitable resetive network, explain the steps involved in the analysis of a DE circuit using note voltage method.
4. a) Define the terms, rms value and peak value of an alternating voltage.
b) An alternating voltage is applied to a circuit having a capacitor C and a resistor R in series. Derive an expression for impedance and current in the circuit.
5. Derive an expression for the impedance of a series R.T.C circuit using phase or diagram. Draw and explain the impedance curve. What is the condition for the circuit to be at resonance? Derive an expression for resonant frequency.
6) State and explain:
a) Super position theorem
b) Reciprocity theorem
7) a) State and explain Kirchoff's Current Law.
b) State and prove maximum power transfer theorem for an ac network.
8) a) Distinguish between Intrinsic semiconductor and Extrinsic semiconductor.
b) Discuss the three approximations of a Pn junction diode with relevant equivalent circuit and V-I characteristics.
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