V Semester B.C.A Degree Examination, October/November 2011
(Y2K8 Scheme)
BCA 503: Software Engineering
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 90
Instructions: All the sections are compulsory
1. Answer any ten sub-questions. Each question carries two marks. (10x2=20)
1) Define Software engineering.
2) Define system and subsystem.
3) Define requirement specification and software specification.
4) What are the various activities of the requirements analysis process ?
5) What are the objective of using software prototyping ?
6) What are the three main types if notations used in design documents ?
7) Define coupling.
8) What are the advantages of Graphical User Interface ?
9) Define fault avoidance, fault tolerance and fault detection.
10) Define error, fault and failure.
11) Define validation and verification.
12) Define quality assurance.
Answer any five of the following questions. Each question carries five marks. (5x5=25)
13) What is a software process ? What are the activities involved in software process ?
14) What are functional and non-functional requirement ? Explain the types of non-functional requirements.
15) What is the need for validating the requirements ? Explain any requirement validation techniques.
16) Explain the basic design principles of problem partitioning and abstraction.
17) What are the characteristics of object oriented design ?
18) Give short note on reliablity mertrics.
19) Briefly explain the different levels of testing.
20) Define maintenance and explain the types of maintenance.
(Y2K8 Scheme)
BCA 503: Software Engineering
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 90
Instructions: All the sections are compulsory
1. Answer any ten sub-questions. Each question carries two marks. (10x2=20)
1) Define Software engineering.
2) Define system and subsystem.
3) Define requirement specification and software specification.
4) What are the various activities of the requirements analysis process ?
5) What are the objective of using software prototyping ?
6) What are the three main types if notations used in design documents ?
7) Define coupling.
8) What are the advantages of Graphical User Interface ?
9) Define fault avoidance, fault tolerance and fault detection.
10) Define error, fault and failure.
11) Define validation and verification.
12) Define quality assurance.
Answer any five of the following questions. Each question carries five marks. (5x5=25)
13) What is a software process ? What are the activities involved in software process ?
14) What are functional and non-functional requirement ? Explain the types of non-functional requirements.
15) What is the need for validating the requirements ? Explain any requirement validation techniques.
16) Explain the basic design principles of problem partitioning and abstraction.
17) What are the characteristics of object oriented design ?
18) Give short note on reliablity mertrics.
19) Briefly explain the different levels of testing.
20) Define maintenance and explain the types of maintenance.
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