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I sem B.Sc - Electronics Fundamentals - Question Paper 2011

I sem B.Sc. Examination, Oct/November 2011
(Semester Scheme) (O.S.)
Electronics Fundamentals

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60

Instruction : Answer any five questions from Part-A, four questions from Part-B and any five questions from Part-C.


Answer any five of the following : (5x6=30)

1. a) Explain the colour coding concept in carbon composition resistors.
    b) Mention the factors affecting the value of parallel plate capacitance.

2. With neat diagram explain the working of C.R.T.

3. a) State and explain Kirchoff's laws.
b) Define Ideal current and ideal voltage source.

4. a) Define the following terms:
1) Time Period
2) Peak value
3) rms value
4) Power factor

b) Give the expression for Inductive Reactance and Capacitive Reactance.

5. Derive an expression for the current, impedance and phase angle of an RC circuit excited by an a.c source.

6) State and prove maximum power transfer theorem for a D.C. network.

7) a) State super position theorem.
b) Explain the steps involved in Notonising the given network.

8) a) Explain the formation of deplection layer in a pn junction diode.
b) Mention the application of a Zener diode.


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