V Semester B.C.A Degree Examination, October/November 2011
(Y2K8 Scheme)
BCA 502: Computer Architecture
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 90
Instructions: All the sections are compulsory
I. Answer any ten sub-questions. Each question carries two marks. (10x2=20)
1) Simplify the following expression using Boolean algebra.
2) What is a binary counter ?
3) What are the two types of ROM's ?
4) Define (r-1)'s complement.
5) What is hardwired control organisation ?
6) Explain STA instruction.
7) Explain control word format.
8) Name the two types of computer architecture.
9) Define Band rate.
10) What is synchronous data transfer ?
11) What is cache memory ?
12) Define hit ration.
II. Answer any five of the following questions. Each question carries five marks. (5x5=25)
13) Explain the working of J-K-flip-flop with a logic diagram.
14) What is a multiplex ? Explain 4-to-1 line MUX.
15) Explain 2's complement method of binary subtraction with example.
16) Explain the operation of interrupt cycle with a flowchart.
17) Explain carious input-output instructions.
18) Write a note on isolated versus memory mapped I/O.
19) Explain three types of CPU organisation.
20) Write a note on set associative mapping.
(Y2K8 Scheme)
BCA 502: Computer Architecture
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 90
Instructions: All the sections are compulsory
I. Answer any ten sub-questions. Each question carries two marks. (10x2=20)
1) Simplify the following expression using Boolean algebra.
2) What is a binary counter ?
3) What are the two types of ROM's ?
4) Define (r-1)'s complement.
5) What is hardwired control organisation ?
6) Explain STA instruction.
7) Explain control word format.
8) Name the two types of computer architecture.
9) Define Band rate.
10) What is synchronous data transfer ?
11) What is cache memory ?
12) Define hit ration.
II. Answer any five of the following questions. Each question carries five marks. (5x5=25)
13) Explain the working of J-K-flip-flop with a logic diagram.
14) What is a multiplex ? Explain 4-to-1 line MUX.
15) Explain 2's complement method of binary subtraction with example.
16) Explain the operation of interrupt cycle with a flowchart.
17) Explain carious input-output instructions.
18) Write a note on isolated versus memory mapped I/O.
19) Explain three types of CPU organisation.
20) Write a note on set associative mapping.
Thank you so much for question papers:)