Bio-Technology IV semester Nov,2006
Time: 3hours Max marks: 60
I. Answer any five questions 5×2=10
1) DNA vaccine.
2) Artificially acquired passive immunity
3) Adjuvants
4) Baculovirus
5) Maintenance of cell line
II. Answer any four of the following 4×5=20
6) Explain the factors that affect immunogenecity.
7) Describe sandwich ELISA.
8) Give an account of ABO blood grouping. Add a note on Rh typing
9) What is down stream processing? Explain any one method in detail with regard to express
III. Answer any three of the following.
12) Describe the ultra structure of chromosome and add a note on nucleosome model.
13) Explain the structure and function of Golgi complex .
14) What is mitosis? Explain its stages.
15) Describe the molecular basis of mutation and add a note on its role in evolution
16) Explain with example
a) Cytoplasmic inheritance
b) XX-YY type of sex determination
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