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Data Structures Using C Question Paper - 2011

VI Semester BCA Examination, April/May 2011
Data Structures Using C

Time: _ Hours                                                                 Max. Marks : 60

Instruction:  1) Answers Should be written completely only in English. 
                        2) Answer all the Sections.


I. Answer any 10 question           (10x1=10)

1) What is linear data Structure ? Give an example.
2) Give an example for binary search tree.
3) How do you initialize a pointer variable ?
4) Define recursion.
5) What is linear search ?
6) Convert the infix expression a+b*c/d into post fix expression.
7) Mention the stack operations.
8) What is dequeue ?
9) What is dynamic memory allocation ?
10) Define degress of a node.
11) What is doubly linked list ?
12) What is the meaning of height of a binary tree ?


II. Answer any 5 questions.                (5x3=15)

13) Write the difference between Stack and Queue.
14) Wrtite a C program to sort n elements using bubble sort.
15) Write a note on searching teachniques.
16) Write a recursive function to find factorial of a number.
17) Give the syntax of malloc(), calloc() and free () function.
18) What is a circular linked list ? Explain with an example.
19) Explain any one traversal of Binary tree.
20) Explain the concept of priority queue.


III. Answer any 5 questions.              (5x7=35)

21) Explain the working of a stack with a suitable example. (7)
22) Describe the concept of binary search technique with an example. (7)
23) Write a C program to simulate the working of a queue. (7)
24) Write an algorithm to sort n numbers using quick sort technique. (7)
25) a) What are the advantages of singly linked list over doubly linked list. (3)
b) Write an algorithm to create a linked list. (4)
26) Explain the construction of binary search tree with a suitable example. (7)
27) Write a C program to find the binomial co-efficient using recursion. (7)
28) a) What are the application of stack ?
    b) Explain the operations on primitive data structures.


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