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Computer Application - Question Paper 2011

I Semester BCA Examination, Oct/Nov 2011
Computer Application / Computer Science Digital Electronics
(Repeater Scheme)

Time: _ Hours                                                                  Max. Marks : 60

I. Answer any 10 questions. Each question carries 1 mark. (1 x 10 = 10)

1) Define molecule.
2) What are the types of Network Ports ?
3) What is meant by Rectification ?
4) What is LSI ?
5) Define passive element ?
6) Convert (DAD.ABC)16 into Binary number.
7) Convert 11101 into Gray code.
8) Write any two Boolean Postulates.
9) Give the truth table and logical symbol for NOT gate.
10) What is a combinational logic circuit ?
11) What is flipflop ?
12) Mention the basic function of shift register.


II. Answer any 5 questions. Each carries 3 marks. (3x5=15)

13) Explain Kirchhoff's laws.
14) State superposition theorem and mention any two advantages.
15) What are the types of energy bands available in solids ? Explain with a neat diagram.
16) Perform binary subtraction using 2's complement
a) 38 - 27 b) 42 - 53
17) State and prove Demorgan's theorem.
18) Minimise the following standard SOP expression using Karnaugh map 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
A B C + A B C + A B C + A B C + A B C
19) Explain how NAND gate can be used as universal gate.
20) Explain the working of D flipflop with logic diagram and truth table.


III. Answer any 5 questions. Each question carries 7 marks.    (7x5=35)

21) a) Explain maximum power transfer theorem.        (3+4)
b) Derive the equation for RMS value of current.

22) a) List the properties of semiconductor.         (4+3)
b) Explain p-n junction with a neat diagram.

23) a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of full wave bridge rectifier ? (4+3)
b) Explain the characteristics of IC family

24) a) Find the decimal value of signed binary number.        ( 2+2+3)
i) 00010110 ii) 10011001
b) Convert the following hexadecimal number to octal number
i) 9.1A (16) ii) 165B (16)
c) Simplify the following into POS using K-Map
F (A, B, C) = ?( 0, 2, 3, 5) + ? d(1, 7)

25) a) Express EX-OR operation with a logic symbol and truth table and derive 
logic diagram.  
b) Write any one application of EX-OR gate. 
c) Explain the working of magnitude comparator. 

26) Explain the working of 4 bit parallel binary adder.

27) a) What are asynchronous inputs ? Explain.              (2+5)
b) What is a T-Flipflop ? How do you convert J.K. flipflop.

28) What is a shift register ? What are the types of shift register ? Explain.


Note: This Section is applicable to the students who have taken the admission in 2011. Repeaters should not attempt this Section.

IV. Answer any one of the following. Each question carries 10 marks. (10x1=10)

29) a) Explain the working of halfwave rectifier with a neat diagram. (5+3+2)
b) Write a note on TTL.
c) Differentiate between Nibble and byte.

30) a) Explain parity generator / Checker. (3+4+3)
b) Explain full adder circuit.
c) Construct a 4 bit PISO shift register with a neat block diagram.


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