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BCA II Sem - Data Structures Using C Question Paper 2010

II Semester BCA Examination, May/June 2010
(O.S. Scheme)
2BCA3 : Data Structures Using C
Time : 3 Hours                                                                                                                  Max. Marks : 80
Instruction : Answer any eight questions :


1. What are primitive and non-primitive data structures? Give examples.
2. Write a C program to find the length of a string.
3. What is recursion? Mention its advantages.
4. Write an algorithm to insert an element into an array.
5. What is a deque? How is it different from a liner queue?
6. Write an algorithm to push an element into an array.
7. Define the following tree terminologies :
    a) Terminal node
    b) Height of tree
    c) Degree of a node
8. Explain linear search.
9. Explain time-space complexity of an algorithm.
10. What is Inter traversal of a tree?


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