I Semester M.Com. Degree Examination, February/March 2008
(2007-08 Scheme)(NS)
Paper - 1.2: Monetary System
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
a) What is money?
b) What is meant by index number?
c) What is monetary standard?
d) What is proportional reserve system?
e) What is the system of note issue in India?
f) What are the components of BOP?
g) What is the feature you observe in rupee depreciation?
h) Who are the participants of International Financial Markets?
i) Define Euro Currency Market.
j) What is Euro Bond Market?
k) What is devaluation?
Section - B
Answer any three from this section. Each question carries 5 marks. (3X5=15)
2. Critically evaluate the Irwing Fisher's Quantity theory of money.
3. Distinguish between BOT and BOP.
4. Bring out the role of financial markets in India.
5. State the causes for the failure of Bretton Wood system.
6. What are the essentials of a sound currency system?
7. Explain the role of IMF in International Monetary System.
Section - C
Answer any three questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks. (3X15=45)
8. Explain in detail the functions of money.
9. Explain how cash balance approach is superior than cash transaction approach, critically evaluate.
10. Bring out the role of international financial system in global era.
11. Critically examine the recent developments in Forex Markets.
12. Evaluate the evolution of monetary standard and state the essentials of sound currency system.
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