I Semester M.Com. Degree Examination, February/March 2008
(2007-08 Scheme)(NS)
Paper - 1.3: Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research
Section - A
1. Answer any ten of the following sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 2 marks. (2X10=20)
a) Distinguish between buyer and consumer.
b) Define MR.
c) What are reference groups?
d) What is primary research?
e) What do you mean by non-probability sample?
f) What do you mean by family decision making?
g) What do you mean by VALS?
h) Define Self-image.
i) What are power needs?
j) What are emotional motives?
k) What is hypothesis?
Section - B
Answer any three questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (3X5=15)
2. Every consumer is unique- comment on the statement.
3. Explain briefly the buying decision process.
4. What do you mean by regression analysis? For what kind of problems is it used?
5. Enlist the ethical issues involved in the protection of respondents.
6. Why should the marketer be concerned with post-purchase behaviour?
Section - C
Answer any three of the following questions. Each question carries 15 marks. (3X15=45)
7. Discuss with suitable examples, Howard-Sheth method of consumer Behaviour. Is it still relevant today?
8. Describe personality traits Theory. Discuss how the personality traits can be used in consumer research.
9. Prepare a proposal of research using various steps of research design for analyzing consumer attitudes towards a toilet soap recently launched in the market.
10. Distinguish between beliefs, values and customs. Discuss with examples the way these influence consumer behaviour.
11. In what way the study of consumer behaviour you have studied linked to the development of marketing strategies? Discuss.
12. What is sampling? What are the steps in sampling?
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