M.Com. Degree Examination, February 2010
(2007-08 Scheme) (NS)
Paper - 1.3: Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Section - A
1. Answer any ten questions (2X10=20)
a) Define Consumer Lifestyle.
b) What is multivariate analysis?
c) Define consumer decision process.
d) What is Motive?
e) What is diffusion process?
f) What is hypothesis?
g) What is an attitude?
h) What is an emotion?
i) What is self-concept?
j) What is descriptive research?
k) What is extended self?
l) Define sample size.
Section - B
Answer any three of the following. (3X5=15)
2. Name any five possible characteristics of an appeal that would influence or change attitudes. Describe each.
3. Differentiate between questionnaire and schedule.
4. What ethical issues are relevant for marketers to create needs?
5. Explain different types of Research.
6. Explain briefly buying decision process.
Section - C
Answer any three of the following.
7. You are the Marketing Manager of Citi Bank's Online Banking Division. How would you apply the concepts of providing value, customer satisfaction and customer retention to designing and marketing effective Online Banking?
8. Differentiate between Primary and Secondary research. What are some major sources of secondary data?
9. How does the family influence the consumer socialization of children?
10. Explain the steps involved in Report writing.
11. Develop a marketing strategy for each of the eight VALS segment for
a) Vacation Package b) Toilet soap c) Men shaving cream d) Kids bicycles.
7. You are the Marketing Manager of Citi Bank's Online Banking Division. How would you apply the concepts of providing value, customer satisfaction and customer retention to designing and marketing effective Online Banking?
8. Differentiate between Primary and Secondary research. What are some major sources of secondary data?
9. How does the family influence the consumer socialization of children?
10. Explain the steps involved in Report writing.
11. Develop a marketing strategy for each of the eight VALS segment for
a) Vacation Package b) Toilet soap c) Men shaving cream d) Kids bicycles.
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