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B.Com II Sem - Business Economics - II Question Paper 2010

II Semester B.Com. Examination, May/June 2010
(Semester Scheme)
Business Economics - II

Instructions: a) Answers should be continuous.
                      b) Answer should be written completely either in Kannada or in English.

Answer any ten of the following. Each question carries two marks. (10x2=20)
a) What is selling cost ?
b) Mention any two objectives of pricing policy.
c) What is kinked demand curve?
d) What are durable goods ?
e) Write the meaning of adverse balance of payment.
f) What is boom ?
g) Expand SEZ and VAT.
h) Defme EXIM Policy.
i) What is natural monopoly?
j) Write the meaning of devaluation.
k) Expand FDI and PFI.
l) What is going rate policy of pricing?


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