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BCA II Sem (Y2K8) - Database Management Systems Question Paper 2010

II Sem B.C.A Examination, May/June 2010
(Y2K8 Scheme)
(BCA 205) : Database Management Systems

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                 Max.Marks: 60

Instructions: All Sections are compulsory.

Answer any 10 questions. Each question carries 1 mark.                                                          (1x10=10)
l. Define Database.
2. Define Schema diagram.
3. What is an Entity type?
4. Define Abstraction.
5. What is heap file ?
6. Define Blocking factor.
7. Mention two approaches used for Database design.
8. What is Domain Constraints?
9. List the data types allowed in SQL.
10.Write the syntax of CREATE command.
11. What is a cursor?
12. What is a lock?


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