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B.Com VI Sem - Accounting and Information Systems Question Paper 2010

VI Semester B.Com. Examination, May/June 2010 
(Semester Scheme) 
Elective Paper - 4 (a) : Accounting and Information Systems 
Time : 3 Hours Max.                                                                                                                   Marks : 80

Answer any ten of the following sub-questions. Each sub question carries two marks. (l0x2=20)

1. a) Define accounting.
b) Mention any four types of accounting softwares.
c) What is meant by journal voucher ? Give an example
d) State the primary groups of revenue in nature.
e) Write commands for creation and alternation of ledgers.
f) Define cost center. How do you create it?
g) Narrate the procedure of computation of VAT with an example.
h) State the command to display VAT reports in tally.
i) What is meant by management reporting?
j) What is information audit ?
k) Mention the techniques of financial analysis.
l) What are the managerial uses of fund flow analysis?

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