I Semester M.Com. Degree Examination, January/February 2008
(2007-08 Scheme)(NS)
Paper - 1.5: Information System and Computers
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Section - A
1. Answer any ten of the following in about 3-4 lines each. Each question carries 2 marks. (2X10=20)
a) What is a work sheet?
b) Name some popular operating systems.
c) What is a DBMS?
d) What is sorting?
e) What is a scanner and what is a bar code reader?
f) What is a hard disk?
g) Name 4 ISP connections.
h) What is the use of Anchor Tag in HTML?
i) Define MIS.
j) Name three operating level information system.
k) Write steps in SAD.
l) Name three DSS reports.
Section - B
Answer any three of the following in about a page each. Each sub question carries 5 marks. (3X5=15)
2. What is timesharing? What is multiprocessing and what is multiprogramming?
3. What is network topology? Critically evaluate any two of them.
4. List the characteristics of a transaction processing system. Give two examples of a transaction processing system.
5. How expert systems are useful in business? Give two examples of expert system.
6. Highlight the concept of ERP as software.
Section - C
Answer any three of the following. Answer to theory question should not exceed three pages each. (3X15=45)
7. What is MIS? Describe the MIS architecture relating to levels of management and types of information systems.
8. Describe various components of financial information system.
9. Describe the major features of a spreadsheet software and bring out its role in business information processing.
10. Name the internet technologies which help business. Discuss them in detail.
11. Following data is available in a data table named as sales file.
Id Name Sales
1100 AAA 1,50,000
1101 BBB 80,000
1102 CCC 25,000
Under the field Id, the identification number of the salesman is recorded, the field name stands for the name of the salesman. The field sales gives the sales revenue generated by the salesman. Salesmen are entitled for 10% commission.
You are required to add one field commission, for each salesman.
Further you are required to compute
i) Commission for each salesman
ii) Total sales
iii) Total commission
iv) Maximum commission and minimum commission
v) Sort the table on commission.
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