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B.Com II Sem - Human Resources Management Question Paper 2010

II Semester B.Com. Examination, May/June 2010 
(Semester Scheme)

 Time : 3 Hours                                                                                                                  Max. Marks : 90

 1. Answer any ten of the following. Each question carries two marks.                                (10x2=20)

a) What do you mean by HRM system ?
b) Distinguish between Recruitment and Selection.
c) Define Transfer.
d) What is Personnel Audit?
e) What is Induction ?
f) Mention any two operative functions of Human Resource Management.
g) What is Aptitude Test ? h) What do you mean by Employee Safety ?
i) What is off-the-job training ?
j) What is work environment ?
k) What is an interview ?
l) What is performance appraisal ?

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